• It will deal with new forms of collaboration with the entrepreneurial network

  • The program offers the possibility of carrying out the validation of the solutions together with EROSKI’s team

  • It includes a Demo Day on which start-ups can receive feedback from investors, institutions and companies in the sector

EROSKI is committed to open innovation as the driving force for offering the best solutions to the challenges posed by the business. This is the reason to launch EROSKI Venture Program in order to implement corporate entrepreneurship through the conceptualization and validation of innovative solutions by applying disruptive methodologies for the generation of new business models.

The program is aimed at start-ups, entrepreneurs and projects that are working on developing solutions that respond to the current and future challenges of the sector and rely on rapidly scalable new technologies that can be supplemented with EROSKI’s capabilities, processes and other physical or digital assets.

EROSKI Venture Program represents a point of entry and growth for entrepreneurs to launch, accelerate and scale up their solutions together with one of Europe’s largest retail distribution groups of the cooperative type for consumer goods and services and a leader in the sector”, EROSKI’s Innovation and Digital Development Manager, David Sanchez, has explained.

Thanks to its methodology and results-oriented approach, the program provides the opportunity to work on the creation of new business models. Likewise, it will help entrepreneurs to increase their contacts through EROSKI’s network and relationship map and will accompany them along the process through continuous monitoring and a personalized roadmap tailored to meet their goals. Moreover, the program offers a Demo Day on which entrepreneurs may present their solutions and receive feedback, suggestions and comments from investors and leading companies in the sector.

Call open until mid-July

Those entrepreneurs and start-ups interested in participating in the program have until 17 July to present their proposals through the website. Before that, the program will be presented in the BAT Tower on the 4th of July. The selected projects will be announced on the 26th of July.

“This program will enable EROSKI to become a reference in the entrepreneurial world. Even though this first edition will have a state-level approach, the program is expected to become international in scope later on, with the development of projects and initiatives. This way, it will reach more dynamic and advanced environments, as far as entrepreneurship is concerned, in order to attract the best solutions”, David Sanchez has said.

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