Through the Integral Plan for Boosting the Social Economy call for creating an economic, inclusive, and sustainable fabric within the framework of the Strategic Projects for Recovery and Economic Transformation (PERTE), the MONDRAGON SOSTENIBLE project represents the contribution of the Corporation and its cooperatives to these challenges, working towards building a more economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable world.

9 cooperatives (Embega, Eroski, Mundukide, Ausolan, Ecenarro, Ategi, MIK, Osatu, Mondragon S. Coop.) have accessed the grants to carry out actions between February 2023 and February 2024 in two ways:

  • Draw up diagnostics and assessments about the environmental, social, and gender situation.
  • Develop methodologies and solutions to improve environmental, social, and gender conditions.

The total investment in the project is €3,290,648, of which the MONDRAGON SOSTENIBLE PERTE has financed €968,058.97.

Through the Integral Plan for Boosting the Social Economy call for creating an economic, inclusive, and sustainable fabric within the framework of the Strategic Projects for Recovery and Economic Transformation (PERTE), the MONDRAGON DIGITAL project is aimed at the Promotion of the Digital Transformation and Modernization of the cooperatives.

Through joint technological and training inter-cooperation, actions are being carried out in areas such as Generative AI, Data Platforms and Industrial Big Data, digital twins, cybersecurity, digital customers, intra-logistics, automatic process robotization, business solutions (ERP, MES, CRM, etc.).

In the PERTE 1, which covers actions between February 2023 and October 2024, we have a group of 11 cooperatives: Krean, Sareteknika, Auzo-lagun, MccGraphics, Urola, Ecenarro, Abantail, Loramendi, Osatu-Bexen, M.LinguaAlecop, and Eroski. The budget for this group is €9 million, and the PERTE contributes a grant of €938,190.

In the PERTE 2, which begins in February 2024 and ends in June 2025, we have 4 groups with a total budget of €16.5 million and a grant from the PERTE estimated at €4.3 million.